2 Years Ago

Slaying the myth of Bitcoin scarcity

Written by Efi Pylarinou


It was my 2nd year at Salomon Brothers on the 37th floor of the 7WTC when the Orange County Derivatives failure happened. If you read until the end of this article, you will find a brief resume of what happened then (History repeats itself) as a reminder that liquidity crises happen again and again - and when they do, we all discover a governance glitch the size of an elephant. Salomon Brothers, by the way, got the mandate to liquidate, in an orderly fashion, the Orange County portfolio which was loaded with...


Do not choose between Bitcoin and gold: own both
By Charlie Morris, CIO, ByteTree Asset Management

The idea is that bitcoin is the new gold. It is secure and robust, with a fixed supply not dissimilar to gold. Given enough time for it to catch on, it will surely supersede gold. Or will it? In terms of security and supply, gold and bitcoin are equals. But having followed the gold market for 23 years and bitcoin for 8, the differences become glaringly obvious. In terms of demand, their dynamics are poles apart. When people think about bitcoin, their first thought is likely...


Current trends on cryptocurrency in the English courts

Written by Martin Bartlam and Nick Kosloff at DLA Piper

Cryptocurrencies mainly exist as a form of digital asset recorded using distributed ledger technology. The best known and largest is Bitcoin, where the distributed ledger technology involves participating nodes competing to solve cryptographic problems, generating a Bitcoin reward through the right to add more “blocks” to the chain. The proprietary nature of a cryptocurrency is complex by virtue of its only having digital existence which relies primarily on the protocols and functioning of the peer-to-peer network in which it exists. Cryptocurrencies are visible on...


Joined 7th February 2019